Thank you for your choosing IDLORD as your fake id producer. The fake id industry rule break and you no longer need to worry about encountering any scams when purchasing this fake id on IDLORD.
We have 365 days online service team, TG: @usiddean, Whatsapp: +1 347 472-8713 and fully member system (URL:https://www.idlord.xyz/account) for your checking your order status.
We have 365 days online service team, TG: @usiddean, Whatsapp: +1 347 472-8713 and fully member system (URL:https://www.idlord.xyz/account) for your checking your order status.
STEP ONE (Select Items)
Select a State: Choose the state "ALL FAKE ID" (URL:https://www.idlord.xyz/products) for which you want the fake ID. Different states have different designs and security features. Normally we will recommend client choose an ID from a state different from your usual place of residence for order.
STEP TWO (Order)
STEP THREE (Deliver)
1.Fill in your Deliver address
2.Deliver Contact Phone Number (Please provide a number which is can be contact)
Reminder:If you are concerned about privacy issues, you can use a disposable phone card to make the purchase
2.Deliver Contact Phone Number
STEP FOUR (Payment)
Select your Payment Method:
Phone:+1 347 472-8713
Telegram: @usiddean
Whatsapp:+1 347 472-8713